Books by Syndey Banks
Here are the books written by Sydney Banks: Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. This means I may earn a commission should you chose to sign up for a program or make a purchase using my link.
Clear your mind – with todoist
Welch Wellbeing Rating: 5/5 There’s no pleasure to be had in too much on your mind. A busy mind is a great path to stress, anxiety and overwhelm. This is where Todoist can be your friend and trusted companion! Years ago, I discovered David Allen’s work on Getting Things Done (GTD). The quote below…
no new year resolutions this year. Do this instead!
Remember 2020? Who’s going to forget it! Do you remember how 2020 started for you? Like every New Year, people made their plans for it; by finally kicking “that” filthy habits, or discovering the “new you”, or accomplishing those long-elusive goals. In 2020, 44% of UK respondents to a survey chose to eat healthy as…
Mindful of Mental Wealth
“Every 40 seconds, someone loses their life to suicide” World Health Organisation You can’t help notice global concern for the state of our mental health. On 10 October every year, it’s World Mental Health Day. An initiative by the World Federation for Mental Health since 1992. Countries around the world support this important day of awareness. 2019…