Month: October 2019

  • Discover relief for arthritis with tai chi

    Discover relief for arthritis with tai chi

    What is Arthritis? It’s incredible.  There are over 100 types of arthritis[3] and related musculoskeletal conditions.  These fall into three major categories: osteoarthritis from wear and tear of the joints, inflammatory arthritis, and problems around the joint.  Osteoarthritis is the most common type.  It’s where there’s progressive damage to the joint cartilage which cushions the ends of the…

  • Mindful of Mental Wealth

    “Every 40 seconds, someone loses their life to suicide” World Health Organisation You can’t help notice global concern for the state of our mental health. On 10 October every year, it’s World Mental Health Day. An initiative by the World Federation for Mental Health since 1992. Countries around the world support this important day of awareness. 2019…